jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

OLA Lay Mission Movement

Our Mission Movement Members had a new experience in recent weeks with three Sisters speaking to the groups about their apostolates.

In Claremorris

Sr. Majella Mc Caroon chose as her theme: "Mission to the World" quoting Fr. Augustin Planque "let us have different works proper to the diversity of needs."

She was assisted b y Stephen from Kenya who spoke of his own wxperience in Kenya where he helped refugees from other conuntries to find a new way of life. He now finds himself in a similar situation in Ireland. Majella drew on Scripture, Church Documents and on her very own valuable experience to expose current unjust situations. A very practical example was a recent report on "Shell to Sea" Court Sittings in Belmullet District Court. Details are available!

A reflective prayer brought the session to a close inviting all to "Walk the road with the one who needs our care/that their story may be heard/ may our hearts be ever open to the unexpected one/ that they may be a stranger no more"!

In Letterkenny

Sr. Mary T. Barron invited reflection on "Partnership in OLA mission" beginning with the reading of the parable of the Mustard Seed. She dwelt on the four ways of sharing our Mission: Prayer support, Fundraising, Directed Volunteering and and especially Creating Awareness locally of issues affecting the developing world where missionaries are working. Work in groups produced the fruits as suggestions were tabled as to how to put the ideas into practice. Our Movement is at an early stage as expressed in a blessing at the end of the prayer.

"Bless us with perseverance. The seeds we are sowing grow slowly. Our group is still growing and exploring how to be part of the OLA Lay Mission Movement. Teach us to be patient and to trust in your plan."!

In Rostrevor

Sr. Eithna Synnott had a thougt-provoking question which has stayed with her ever since her first days in Nigeria:"Who is missionary to who...?" With the help of very simple visual aids, she walked us through her life in hospital and village and showed clearly that mission is about mutual enrichment as we share God`s message of love and healing. In prayer and dialoge the members reflected on the question and then compiled spontaneous "Missionary Alphabets"-a very good exercice for anyone who cares to compose one!

From the Rostrevor group two members will go to Tanzania this year-Damian byrne in July for one month and Mary Devine for two weeks in August. Please keep them especially in prayer. Two new members joined the group in April, Marie being one! She came to know about us trough meeting Sr. Grace collecting the mite box!

This is only a brief sinppet about three very worthwhile evenings spent in the company of the members of our Lay Mission Movement.

Meeting of Lay Mission Movement:

Please note that a get-together is planned for 26th june in the Dublin community for the three lay mission groups from Claremorris, Donegal and Newry.

Formation of a Cork Group of the OLA Lay mission Movement:

A Cork group will soon be formed. We are told that Sr. Clare already has the names of twelve people who are interested. And Pat McMenamin has set 9th june as the date for a first meeting with them. So, please keep this in your prayers.

Sr. Patricia McMenamin, ola

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