Sister Patricia Mc Menamin, ola
« Charisms ar gifts that God has given to his Church, asd a whole, for the good of all the Church. The apostolic eschortation on the Consacrated Life indicates that religious do not have the monopoly fo charisms given by the Spirit and that charisms can be shared with the laity .» (Vita Consecrate 54)
For several years, Provinces have reflected on how to implement the decision to invite the laity to be more part of our mission. Catherine Harmer in her book, « Religious Life in the XXI Century » challenges us : « One of the new realities showing promise, is the association of the laity in the spirituality and mission of one or other Congregation. In the past we had the Third Orders that were a form of committed life connected to canonical groups. New and creative approaches can be developped for this age that build on the response to the call lived out in a variety of ways. To move into the next age we need to be very open to a variety of ways to live the committed life. Major strategies must be found “to make it possible for more people to be involved in the mission of the Church, the mission of Jesus. Religious Congregations could be one of the major modes for serious involvement of the laity in that mission. » In our own Irish Province small steps have been taken to invite women and men to be part of the OLA Lay Mission Movement. A tentative definition of the movement would be :
« The OLA Lay Mission Movement is initiated in order to provide a structure within which the OLA Sisters and interested lay people may provide one another mutual support in fulfilling mission received at baptism of spreading the Kingdom of Christ on earth. The Movement is open to those who wish to be involved in the mission of the OLA Sisters trhough prayer and whatever practical ways are open to them in their own life situation. »
Since, unlike other Congregations, we do not have any institutions where lay staff or family associates might seek to set up such a movement. I have been inviting some women and men to be more closely associated with us. I thank God for the members of staff of Castlemacgarrett who have shown interest. In June we had a first meeting in our convent in Claremorris, and those who came showed interest.
The second step in developing our OLA Lay Mission movement was to make a pilgrimage to Ballintubber Abbey. Alas, the day was not all favourable, but a small group came. Sister Eileen Healy led us trough the mystery way and her reflection was beautiful and appealing. It was in truth a “missionary journey” and indeed one comtinues to reflect back on the stations. Surely there will be another visit to Ballintubber at a later stage when the sun shines !
On December, an afternoon retreat had been proposed to the group. The theme was the Advent but hopefully with a missionary flavour. It was in Claremorris and Father Nohilly ended the evening with mass.
As you know, I travel to Dromantine every Monday to participate in the theology course set up by SMA in collaboration with the Mater Dei Institute in Dublin. (Thank God for free travel!) When deciding to do this I also had a secondary motive and that was to meet people in the north with a view to starting a little group up there too. And we has our first meeting in Dromentine. There were six participants, with a few apologies from others. It was very hopeful, particularly because I had met Mary McCullagh, who had taught in Elmina for a year and of course knew our Sisters very well !. The world is a small place! Another participant was Sheree O’ Connor who has been praying with our Sisters in Rostrevor during their weekly Holy Hour.
Another hopeful place is Donegal where a young married woman has invited me to explore the possibility of forming another Group. Thank you all for your ongoing support in prayer- it means so much !
You may wonder where are we going ?! It is also my question but I believe that the Spirit is at work trough our efforts and lay people are indeed seeking ways of living their mission in the world of today. God wishes to speak a new word and so we live in great hope that the message of Father Planque. “Know and love God in order to make God known and loved” will spreads around our country and take a deeper root in the soil of faith and love.
Flame-dancing Spirit
Sweep us off our feet and
Dance us trough our days.
Surprise us with your rhythms,
Dare us to try new steps, explore
New patterns and new partnerships ;
Release us from old routines
To swing in abandoned joy and
Fearful adventure.
And, in the intervals,
Rest us in your still centre.
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